I just love Animation Jams. This is an event where you have usually 36h to create some animation. There is usually a topic that is very open to interpretation. So you can just be totally crazy for 36h, try out things you haven't had time for yet. It's always a lot of fun, especially when everybody gets tired and ideas start to become very weird. So I am proud to present the three animation jam videos that were done with my helping hand during the course of my student life at the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg. Two of those I helped organize, because I really wanted this to happen. The videos here are sorted with newest first.
Banane begeht Selbstmord
This animation can be described as the ultimate culmination of the preceding two. It is deep. It it bullshit. It was just a lot of fun to create. The idea was to show the whole life of a banana just as he commits suicide. Including true love and romance. Since it's 3D animated, and rendering usually takes a long time we decided to go with viewport renderings. Essentially glorified playblasts. But with some compositing, most importantly some glow, it looks surprisingly good.
Bussi Bussi
Where with Hypocritical we didn't succeed in creating major bullshit, we sure as hell did here. Perfectly summed up in the description of the video, this animation is about "A regular day on the bus, with all its typical inconveniences". We wanted to take something very ordinary and just completely go crazy with it. It is all "handcrafted", with a mix of Stop-motion and just bad puppetry.
I was a ton of fun, but we kind of didn't succeed in our goal of creating major bullshit. The idea of the animation was that there is a person that looks like the nicest person to the public but has major issues in his family life. So in the end he loses it all but then he pays for a restart.